SOLAS Compliant Weighbridges


New SOLAS Weighing regulations: Gross container weights must be verified and declared in advance of being loaded on to ships.

The International Maritime Organization's SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea) has been updated with new rules effecting the weighing of shipping containers and their cargo. From July 1st, 2016, amendments made to SOLAS VI, Regulation 2 state that the gross mass of packed containers must be verified and declared prior to being loaded on to ships. The regulation specifies two methods in which the verified gross mass may be obtained, as listed below.


Method 1:

Weighing the packed container using calibrated and certified weighing equipment (e.g. a weighbridge)


Method 2:

Weighing all packages and cargo items, including the mass of pallets, and other securing material to be packed in the container and adding the tare mass of the container to the total.


These new regulations are coming into effect due to concerns raised by the shipping industry regarding the mis-declaration of declared weights on containers and the potential involvement these have in maritime accidents. The authorities have stated that any weighing equipment used for SOLAS verification will need to be weights and measures approved for trade use. At Libra we are ready with solutions to suit your needs with our Highweigh and Portaweigh weighbridges already being SOLAS compliant.

We're ready, are you?

Our weighbridges are available for Sale and Hire, with a purchase option. Our weighing instrumentation and ticketing makes it simple to weigh all types of containers, fulfilling all obligations covered by SOLAS. With our Portable weighbridge option you may not require any civil works or foundations, getting compliance with us couldn’t be easier. We may also be able to upgrade your existing weighbridges and instrumentation to meet SOLAS regulations. Get in touch with us Today to discuss your options.

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